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Schenectady FAQ

Čo je Schenectady? Odkiaľ pochádza a kam smeruje? Prežije Schenectady rok 2005? Ktoré sú hlavné výhody Schenectady a prečo radšej nie? Budeme raz všetci Schenectady alebo máme ešte nejakú nádej? Skôr než sa rozhodnete vstúpiť do Schenectady poraďte sa so svojím lekárom alebo lekárnikom.

City Population 2000: 61,821
Metro area: Albany
Latitude: 42.814N
Longitude: -73.94W
Time zone: Eastern Daylight Saving

Schenectady is derived from the Indian term, "End of the Pine Plains"

Thomas Edison moved his operations here in 1886; the venture eventually became General Electric

Filming location for 1998 movie, "The Horse Whisperer" and 1973 movie, "The Way We Were"

Well-known residents have included:
· Mickey Rourke, actor
· John Sayles, director, writer, actor
· Ann B. Davis, actress (housekeeper on "The Brady Bunch")

Historic sites and museums: Schenectady Museum, Schenectady County Historical Society Museum


Colleges and universities: Union College, Schenectady County Community College


What are the latitude and longitude of Schenectady?

At City Hall, the location is 42 Deg 48’45" north latitude, 73 Deg 56’30" west longitude

What are the highest and lowest points above sea level in Schenectady County?

The Highest elevation is 1,456 feet in the western portion of the Town of Duanesburg. The lowest level is 183 feet in the Town of Niskayuna.
Source: Schenectady County Fact Book p. 7

When was the first showing of a talking motion picture in Schenectady?

Al Jolson in "Jazz Singer," Dec. 25-31, 1927 at the Strand Theater.
Source: Francis Poulin (from a Schenectady newspaper) 1/4/79

What is the official song of Schenectady?

"Our Schenectady," composed by John Van Laak and sung by Judi Merriam. Adopted by Schenectady City Council Jan. 30, 1995. The lyrics follow.

In Schenectady
Our Schenectady
What a warm and friendly place it is to be
Nestled among plains and hills
With a beautiful river that always gives us thrills
And stores and shops with all that one might need or wish to see
And legends and tales and lots of history

Oh Schenectady
Our Schenectady
Let us now plan and help to make it grow

If we will all do our best
Then others can do the rest
For places to study and learn in
Places to work and earn in
Places to live in happiness

Source: Daily Gazette Jan. 31, 1995 p. B1

When were the Schenectady City schools built?
Brandywine                  1904
Central Park                1923
Edison                      1919
Vocational                  1908
Elmer Avenue                1905  (addition 1908)
Euclid Avenue               1925
Franklin                    1907
Fulton                      1908
Halsey                      1890  (addition 1910)
Hamilton                    1914
Mont Pleasant High School   1930-31
Nott Terrace High School    1903  (add 1913, not used as HS after spring 1958)
Horace Mann                 1908
Howe                        1910
Lincoln                     1908
Linton High School          1957  (opened spring 1958)
McKinley                    1909
Nott Terrace Elementary     1884  (razed 1958)
Oneida                      1923
Pleasant Valley             1922
Riverside                   1923
Van Corlaer                 1914  (addition 1923)
Washington Irving           1908  (addition 1914-22)
Woodlawn                    1914
Yates                       1914

Source: Schenectady Union Star May 8, 1948

When did railroads first appear in Schenectady?

The DeWitt Clinton made its first run between Albany and Schenectady in 1831. From that date until 1971, passenger trains connected Schenectady with all parts of the country. Schenectady’s second railroad station was built in 1842. It was the first station on the State Street location.
Construction of railroad locomotives began soon after the run of the DeWitt Clinton. John Ellis and Walter McQueen opened the Schenectady Locomotive Works in 1851. It operated until 1901, when the American Locomotive Company took over.

Source: Schenectady County Historical Society brochure

When did the last trolleys run in Schenectady?

The last trolleys ran Jan 16, 1946 on State Street - Frank Street and State Street - McClellan Street lines.

Source: Schenectady County Historical Society, July 12, 1967

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